União entre Gestão Pública e Iniciativa Privada em Maringá
A união entre gestão pública e iniciativa privada coloca Maringá entre as melhores cidades do Brasil em diversos rankings. Nesta sexta-feira, 21, durante a cerimônia de posse dos integrantes da mesa diretiva do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Maringá (Codem) para a gestão de 2025, a Prefeitura de Maringá reforçou a importância do trabalho em parceria com o conselho. O prefeito Silvio Barros participou da solenidade e foi empossado como presidente de honra do conselho.
O evento também contou com a presença do senador Sérgio Moro, da vice-prefeita Sandra Jacovós, do presidente da Associação Comercial e Empresarial de Maringá (Acim), José Carlos Barbieri, do deputado federal Ricardo Barros, além de secretários municipais, diversas autoridades locais e regionais, empresários e representantes da sociedade civil organizada.
During the ceremony, the president of the council, Mohamad Ali Awada Sobrinho, the first vice-president, Michel André Felippe Soares, and the second vice-president, Luiz Lourenço, were reinstated for the 2025 management of Codem. The presidents and vice-presidents of the Technical Chambers were also sworn in, aiming to guide economic development throughout the Maringá 2047 agenda (see below the sworn in of each Technical Chamber).
O prefeito Silvio Barros highlighted the importance of joint work between the public sector and the private sector through Codem. "We will have an intense partnership with Codem. In the first plenary meeting, we presented an extensive agenda and proposals that we would like Codem to develop together with the City Hall. We already have a first demand, which is the creation of an autism technical chamber," he said.
For Senator Sérgio Moro, Codem plays a fundamental role in promoting the union of various people for the difference in the development of the city. "It is the private sector that comes together to create proposals together, alongside the public sector, for the community," he said. He also emphasized the importance of planning and integration so that cities can progress.
Codem's President, Mohamad Ali Awada Sobrinho, emphasized the council's work, which brings together more than 100 entities and 300 volunteers in the Technical Chambers. "When we analyze the development and planning of our city, we realize the important role of Codem. Thinking about the future of Maringá is challenging, as the city grows rapidly, but we need to grow in an organized and planned way, and this is Codem's role," he said.
For the president of Acim, José Carlos Barbieri, Codem is a reference not only for Maringá but for all of Brazil. "I wish success to the new Codem board of directors and that we can do a job that elevates Codem and Maringá even more," he said. Federal Deputy Ricardo Barros also highlighted the importance of the council, which makes Maringá an example for Brazil. "Everywhere I go, people ask me how Codem works in Maringá. Here is an inspiring source of new initiatives that are taken to other cities in Brazil," he said.
The President in office of the City Council, Sidnei Telles, highlighted the importance of planning for the city's development. For the Secretary of Industry, Commerce, and Services of Paraná, Christiano Puppi, "Codem goes hand in hand with the basic principle of public management: knowing how to listen in order to accomplish." According to the Secretary, Maringá has built itself as the city of the future, but today it becomes the city of the present in a planned and well-executed manner.
Câmaras Técnicas:
Câmara de Turismo e Cultura
Presidente: Miguel Fernando Perez
Vice-Presidente: André Barros
Câmara de Urbanismo
Presidente: Marco Tadeu Barbosa
Vice-Presidente: Rogério Yabiku
Câmara Educação
Presidente: Guaracy Silva
Vice-Presidente: Leila Pessôa da Costa
Câmara de Saúde
Presidente: Érico Diniz
Vice-Presidente: Elisabete Kobayashi
Câmara Financeira e de Seguros
Presidente: David Conchon
Vice-Presidente: César Ricardo Lazarino
Câmara TIC
Presidente: Robinson Patroni
Vice-Presidente: Joelson De Andrade
Câmara Do Agronegócio
Presidente: Leandro Cezar Teixeira
Vice-Presidente: Mariana Beckhauser
Câmara Da Indústria
Presidente: Cézar Couto
Vice-Presidente: José Beckhauser
As informações são da Prefeitura de Maringá.
Júlio Rossato